
Why do the Finnish People Love Saunas so Much?

There’s no denying that saunas are seen positively by people worldwide, but it’s hard to think of a country where they are more popular than Finland. The people of Finland seem to have a unique relationship when it comes to saunas. There are over 3 million saunas within the country, which is half of the 5.3 million population that lives there in the first place! There are many public saunas compared to privately-owned home saunas. Companies that design them are guaranteed to stay in business for years to come due to their popularity and the sauna benefits they bring to the table. Let’s find out how and why.

The necessity of warmth

First and foremost, you need to understand that it is freezing in Finland. The country can get so bone-chillingly cold that temperatures can regularly be below -30 degrees F in winter. With such a factor in hand, it’s no wonder that the Finnish people will seek refuge in saunas to warm themselves up for the hard days ahead and make their time of passing through the days all the more easy to do. Given how cold it can be even when it is not winter, you can easily imagine why saunas are so popular throughout the entire country. 

Disease Prevention

Besides warming the body up, many of the Fins look to saunas to help themselves whenever they feel a bit under the weather. Many within the country believe in heating themselves. Saunas can be a great way to prevent the common cold, sore muscles, or other common ailments that could hang over them throughout the day. This treatment can also help in the expunging of toxins and other internal harmful substances. Saunas in the country are also great in improving the general mood of those who visit them.


Besides helping the body, saunas help people reach peace of mind to relax under a high level of stress. Due to the heat helping expand your blood vessels which allows better circulation, it’s not uncommon to undergo an endorphin rush that significantly improves your mood. This move can also improve your health, leave your body much more at ease, and put you in a much better state of mind, which is an excellent perk for Finnish people.


The Finnish people love saunas so much that they often resort to giving birth in them because the heat kills any harmful bacteria to the newborn and the weakened mother. It’s such a long-standing tradition that women today continue it, believing that the perks are too great to pass up. It also serves as an excellent place for women to destress and recoup after the physical and mental taxation of giving birth, making the idea more appealing.


Believe it or not, saunas have been a part of Finnish culture for over two thousand years, making sure that they left a lasting impression on the people as a whole. In the old days, they were made by digging pits and then lining the walls and overall structure through birch wood which was pretty easy to find in the area. Even during these days, many people had access to saunas, which helped earn it the moniker as ‘The Poor Man’s Pharmacy’ due to how it could help cure many ailments back then and today. 


When it comes to saunas, it’s hard to find a culture that appreciates them more than the Finnish people, and considering just how many home saunas there are alone within the country, this is a people that have fully embraced the concept. There is a great deal we can learn from what can be gained from sauna benefits and even more from the more unorthodox ways we can use them. For that, we thank the people of Finland and the many innovations and history they provided us through their sauna style.